• Travel

    The Brooklyn Bridge | New York City

    I grew up in Eastern Pennsylvania, 85 miles west of New York City. Thanks to our 5-minute proximity to the interstate highway (hi, I-78), a day trip to “the City” was always within reach, and usually a good idea. School field trips had us bussed into New York for the day to go to museums or to see a show (one particular 8th-grade field trip sticks out in my mind: there are pictures of us huddled on a ferry in front of the Twin Towers circa March 2001). I’ve taken the charter bus with my grandmother to visit one of…

  • Travel

    Notre-Dame de Paris

    “The Cathédrale of Notre-Dame de Paris is doubtless still a sublime and majestic building. But, much beauty as it may retain in its old age, it is not easy to repress a sigh, to restrain our anger, when we mark the countless defacements and mutilations to which men and Time had subjected that venerable monument…” —Victor Hugo, Notre-Dame de Paris (1831) In the aftermath of last week’s devastating loss at the Cathédrale Notre-Dame de Paris, I’m feeling a particular impulse to get down in writing my thoughts and experiences with this monumental piece of Western history and civilization. Since last…